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Wednesday 23 April 2014

Google Project Ara modular smartphone coming in January 2015

Google Project Ara modular smartphone coming in January 2015


The Google Project Ara modular Smart phone is a device that give you the option of you dream Smart phone. Many of you might have not gone across this name, so let me say you that Project Ara is part of ATAP (Advance technology and Projects) group. This device is going to come next year, probably in the month of January.

First off let me explain you about this device, the Modular smart phone will let its users swap and change its components so that they can upgrade their smart phone or change them according to their needs. Initially you will be having a base piece of hardware that will be known as Endo and later features can be added to this Endo as plug and play models. The models can be anything, RAM, Camera, Processor etc.

Project ara Grey phone

The main aim of this project to make a Smart phone that exactly suits your needs and lets you create it accordingly. The entry level Grey Phone might me costing around $50 to produce but the head of the Project Ara, Paul Eremenko noted that the price of this device will be determined by commerce partners and also said that the device will be having five 2 x 1 unit modules and two 2 x 2 unit modules that will be attached to the Endo using electro- permanent magnets.

The Android drivers that would support this device will be available in the month of December and Google has plans to hold two more Project Ara conferences in July and September this year. A pre-production prototype of this will be shown in the month of September. I am very excited to know more about this device as new things pop up every time in the conferences held. This is definitely a feature device and claiming to give a life of 5-6 year which more than any high end Smart phones that you are using now. Let’s wait and see how this grey phone turns up and do comment below and share your thoughts.

Earlier - Project Ara Modular Smartphone Developer Conference on April 15, 16 – Details – February 28, 2014

Google’s ATAP (Advanced Technologies and Projects) group is on a roll after introducing its 3D map making Project Tango Smartphone last week, now the Google ATAP revealed details on the first Ara Developers’ Conference that will be on April 15-16. Earlier we have seen Joshua talked about Project Ara (from Motorola at the time) back in October as a campaign that focused on attracting OEM interest into a modular Smart phone design.  The results of that campaign take the next step with Google announcing the first set of developer conferences for a modular device.

Project ARA

The platform is meant to be a single hub onto which the user can place their own hardware that they desire without having to go for a new or other device.  This means CPUs, cameras, sensors, screens, baseband, modems, connectivity, storage etc can be increased or decreased according to the uses wish. Project Ara takes this complexity one stage further, and there has to be a fundamental software base to solve this so, ATAP is going to be doing three developers’ conferences in 2014, starting on April 15-16 at the Computer History Museum in Mountain View, California.

Google says, and this event will focus specifically on the alpha release of the Ara Module Developers’ Kit (MDK) which will come to the web in early April. The free platform will offer developers “everything [they] need” to get up and running building Ara hardware modules, ATAP promises. Limited in-person attendance is available, with a $100 fee ($25 for students) covering food and a special social session. Google is approving these based on the strength of your application. However there will be a live webcast and interactive Question & Answer sessions of the conference also.

We don’t know what the other two conferences will be about It’s been a while since we have heard about Project Ara so it should be a good news to every on the progress. We would like to see this project getting successful and come out with the require results. Stay tuned for more information and we will be updating all the further information.

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